(At 5:30am November 6, 2024 and then I sat on it for a day and here it is…)
Welcome to Trumpistan. Trump voters, you bought a great lie. You picked a guy who stole money from a charity for kids with cancer. There has never been a more astounding feat of collective stupidity than this. America never needed to be made “great again,” It was always great for some, if not all. We were making it better, bit by bit. There has been opportunity and the freedoms more and more as we got older as a country to pursue them.
The harm you’ve done will be deep and far reaching. You got played by the man getting played by Putin. Sad. Trump is the Pied Piper, only he didn’t take the rats out of town, he brought them in the open and gave them agency.
This was not a win for America. This is not a win for what is right. It is a win for Russia. It’s a win for racism and hate. It is a win for misogyny. It’s a win for punching down on people who can’t punch back. Congratulations, you sided with the bully – a man who openly mocks people with disabilities. You must be proud of yourselves.
Mothers and grandmothers who voted for Trump, look your daughters, and granddaughters in the eye. Tell them a 78-year-old convicted felon who openly lusted after his own daughter, is more important to you. You tell them you chose a man who bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy,” over them. You chose this for them. If your daughter or granddaughter ever has a complicated pregnancy, or God forbid is raped, and gets pregnant – you look them in the eye and say what Trump would, “So what?”
This is the message you sent your entire family for the next generation. I hope nobody ever assaults your daughter. If that happens, you voted that it doesn’t matter. For women who voted for Trump, don’t complain if you can’t get a job. If you lose your voice, or the right to vote, (they will come for that one too), remember you voted for it. Remember that you chose this. You let a man Jeffrey Epstein called his “closest friend,” in the door. You gave over your daughter’s rights to her own body.
Trump voters, you can’t cry over the next public health crisis. When we got hit by COVID-19, and it killed half a million Americans (at that time) Trump said, “It is what it is.” He said, “I don’t take responsibility,” when it was his to take. A real leader would have owned it. A real president would take responsibility, would not tell his people to inject bleach into their veins or that it would magically go away. Real leaders work for their people, not against them.
To all you fathers and grandfathers who voted for Trump – look your daughters, and granddaughters in the eye and tell them you decided it is okay if they are in an abusive relationship. You decided they don’t have a right to their own body. You took away their freedom, and the freedom of their daughters. Your vote says it’s okay if a man assaults your daughter. Her safety is clearly not that important to you.
You chose to plant your lips on the soft, never-worked-a-real-day’s-work-in-his-life ass of a man your grandparents and great-grandparents would have punched in the mouth, not voted for.
If you’re a veteran, you just pissed on everything you ever fought for. You chose a coward, who calls you a loser for serving your country. A coward who defiled the constitution you swore to protect. You chose a coward who trampled on the graves of our nation’s fallen for a photo op. You chose a coward who openly admires the kind of people this country has always stood against.
All this and for what? What did you think you would gain from this? Are all of you so blinded by your stupid little fear of brown people that you would burn the house down to keep them out? Who’s the coward now? Look in the mirror.