Blog, Memoir, Fantasy Fiction & More

About the Site
All story is a search for our humanity, if we read close enough, we may find it.
I have been writing seriously for over 20 years. I’ve written two books that I am trying to publish. One, an adult fantasy fiction, and the other a middle-grade children’s fantasy, with a sequel in the works.
I first started this website in 2019, to blog about the craft of writing, and share some of my work. In addition to the blog, you will find original works in fantasy fiction, children’s story, and poetry. My novelette, The Wandering Oak, can be found on the Fantasy & Other Fiction page. This site has since evolved. Now it includes some opinion pieces of a political bent, reflections on the first year of the pandemic and pieces related to social justice.
I have started to share some of my personal story here. I never intended this site to become a landing space for my personal life. However, my experience with major depression has made it so these things can no longer be ignored. This year I decided to tackle deep rooted issues head on in a way I had previously avoided. As a result, I have decided to use my writing to take back my life, one word at a time.
I hope you will read what I have put here and get something meaningful from it. If you like what you read, please tell others, leave a comment and share. If you don’t, feel free to do the same. Happy writing!

“Through writing, sometimes I feel like I am conjuring myself into existence.”
– Jennifer Jordan Schaller
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
– Ray Bradbury